Business Services • Northrim Bank

Business Services


Taking care of your business

Northrim has the team and tools to help your business navigate challenging times.

Tools and resources you need now

Local experts

Local experts

Northrim is based in Alaska. We live, work and play here. Our local experts understand the special needs of doing business in Alaska.

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Safe & secure

Safe & secure

Manage your transactions safely and securely with Northrim. We've added extra layers of protection to ensure that your banking information is safe.

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Financial education tools

Financial education tools

Our SurThrival financial education tools give you the knowledge you need to thrive in challenging times.

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Online & mobile banking

Online & mobile banking

Manage your company's cash flow anytime, anywhere. Our online cash management tools will help automate everyday business transactions.

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Loans & credit cards

Loans & credit cards

We have short- and long-term solutions for managing your cash cycle, purchasing equipment, and quickly converting receivables to cash to facilitate the growth of your business.

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Merchant services

Merchant services

Our card processing tools let you accept credit and debit card payments, process electronic checks, manage eCommerce, offer branded gift cards and more.

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